Sunday, March 4, 2007


Please fill out the below form.
Don't sweat the answers--we just want to learn more about you. We want to be able to connect with you, not just have an "boss/employee" relationship with you.

When the form is complete and you hit send, it will bring you back to the To Them To Us blog. You will know the form was sent when you return to the main blog.

Required fields have a red asterisk next to them. Everything else is optional.

Personal Information

*Name:    First   Last 


Phone Number:    

*Gender:    Female   Male

*Birthdate:     / /

User Information

*Desired Username:    

*Confirm Password:    

College Information






Extra Information

Who are your top four favorite bands?

How did you hear about us?

Why are you interested in helping us?

Do you have any experience in promotions or street team?

Do you have any creative ideas? Any creative ways of spreading the word?

*Do you understand by sending this in you are agreeing to a 6 month commitment?

*Do you understand that after your 2-4 week trial period, you will be expected to complete Suicide Prevention training, whose costs will not be covered by To Them To Us?